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tedante's github profile

Zoom API Helper is a Node.js package that provides a helper for simplifies managing meet.

Personal Portfolio

Muhammadrabi's github profile

a portfolio website using React and Tailwind CSS.


dhruvishavaghani's github profile

NewsZilla is a live news website with all categories of news.

Terminal games in python

srujana-16's github profile

This repository contains terminal games in Python.

User Location

SasiVardhan247's github profile

User Location WebApp is useful in many real-world cases to locate the nearest available surrounding people. It's useful to locate Hospitals in case of emergency and also all the nearest visiting places.


Darkrider0007's github profile

Threads Clone, a web application where users can create their accounts, post their thoughts, read other users' threads, and interact with them.

Cookie Clicker Bot

whiteknight16's github profile

A bot that can play the classic cookie clicker game


BhartiNagpure's github profile

In this project , I use qoutable api to fetch the daily random qoutes with their author name.

Responsive Front-end Design

narayan2111's github profile

This Project is designed as a part of Coding Club intiative organized by MCA Department of Galgotias College of Enginnering and Technology. This Project involves creating the responsive design for the club. This Project has 3 contributors Narayan Dwivedi(Lead) ,Mayank Shukla and Shivam Rai as a members of a team.


komalioruganti's github profile

A bot that generates text and images for the given prompts.